About DWK
Your Strategic Partner in Alternative Funding
DW Klein & Co. (“DWK”) is a private capital firm and alternative lender focusing on emerging companies on and off exchanges – national and international. DWK seeks to preserve capital by contributing to Quality Products and leveraging the related interest into profitable ventures.
DW Klein & Co.’s unique advantage is its ability to team experienced strategic planners with hundreds of supporting tactical personnel with diverse experience across many industries. In addition to having an experienced, flexible, and talented team of service-driven professionals DWK leverages a unique portfolio of intellectual properties, strategies, and revenue models across multiple industries to improve operational processes and deliver exceptional economic performance.
DW Klein & Co. was founded by Donald W. Klein. Mr. Klein’s primary focus is to combine high-performance business strategies and financial acumen to create and leverage opportunities for the utmost benefit of all involved. He leads DWK and its affiliated companies, focusing on strategic initiatives, management empowerment, and effective communications.